Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cribbed from - A Bloomsbury Life: Have Words, Will Travel

While I fail to be convinced about twitter usefulness, I tripped across this blog posting yesterday and can't get it out of my head. My vocabulary has become so constricted that I resort to invention (shrubbish) when there are plenty of WORDS out there that can be employed -- for gardening and life.

I link it here because I don't want to misplace it. 
"A Bloomsbury Life: Have Words, Will Travel: There are some words so rich in personality and atmosphere they don't need pictures to accompany them. Here are a few. Aperitif..."

Would you work on a list with me that conjures pictures (should your camera be broken)?


  1. I checked this blog out and it's awesome! I love all the word candy. Delish!

  2. Glad you liked it too! words are such fine things to have.

  3. wonderful words!! Not conjuring pictures exactly but maybe feelings: how 'bout gnarl. And just found flirligig (I cheated and googled) but this sounds like you, meaning 1. a nondescript thing or 2.a wanton lass.
    But the earlier 'harumph' was my own thought.

  4. I love the idea of this list! Thank you for the prompt and link...lots of fun to ponder this idea. I'll have to start my own list. Starting off with authentic. Thanks for stopping by earlier...it's nice to meet you!


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