Saturday, January 28, 2012

Wither Winter?

Loving the colors of this little Capitol Hill house, catching the sun as it's setting on yet another balmy January day. Bizarre weather we're having.

For the first, oh, 20 years of my life in Washington the best thing I could say is that the weather -- at least the winter weather -- was a vast improvement over New York. There one walks among goliath buildings with winds whipping with hurricane force for months of days and nights and one often found one (meaning me, by the way) screaming soundlessly into the wind O GOD TAKE ME NOW I DO NOT WANT TO WALK ANOTHER INCH.

Sorry for helling. I meant yelling -- but that was such a perfectly appropriate typo that I thought I'd share.

Anyway... the good thing about Washington winters has always been that we have a fall that extends to mid-December followed by approximately 3 weeks, that would be ebbing about now, of coldish weather. A couple of major shivers but mostly just chilly enough to appreciate a fire and a hot bath.  And then we have spring, which often lasts several lovely months 

And having a tiddle of winter is VERY important for the proper appreciation of spring and fall and putting up with the sauna season that falls between them. I think it was Chet Huntley (correct me if I'm wrong) that wrote about the Brits in diplomatic service here during WW11 were given to wearing tropical garb around town.

I used to work with a guy who wore a panama hat with his white linen suits and spent most of his workdays slinking around to cafes with his customers. He had a mustache. mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Nevermind.

Maggie summers across the pond in Whitby. She marched forth in shorts the other day, proclaiming it summer.

Here's a patch of iris is in full bud. What the hell? Nearby the daffs are poking up their bulbous heads, not that some don't emerge in February, they do...but this is nearly a month ahead of schedule.

And pocket-sized front gardens wait for watchers

 and the spontaneous gatherings that dot Spring evenings...


Wreaths still hang from every other doorway and lights twinkle from the evening trees.

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